Citar la fuente authentic de donde tomamos información sirve para dar crédito a los autores correspondientes y evitar incurrir en plagio. Además, permite a los lectores acceder a las fuentes originales utilizadas en un texto para verificar o ampliar información en caso de que lo necesiten.
En 1517 el P. Bartolomé de las Casas tuvo mucha lástima de los indios que se extenuaban en los laboriosos infiernos de las minas de oro antillanas.
Квинтилиан използва четиричленна класификация на метафората, която се определя от това дали нейните съставки са живото и мъртвото, духовното и сетивното, одушевеното и неодушевеното:
Метафората ще бъде сполучлива, ако се съпоставят две реалности, които имат нещо обединяващо ги.
Lakoff and Johnson tremendously contributed to establishing the value of conceptual metaphor as being a framework for imagining in language, top scholars to analyze the original ways that writers used novel metaphors and concern the fundamental frameworks of pondering in conceptual metaphors.
Achievedáfora ya no fue delimitado a un recurso estético en la estructura official de dos palabras, sino que adquirió un sentido simbólico que estructura a diversas partes de un discurso, gracias a su cualidad para expresar nuevos significados tanto conceptuales como sensoriales implícitos en las frases descriptivas.
A mixed metaphor is a metaphor that leaps from one particular identification to a next inconsistent with the very first, e.g.:
A political cartoon by illustrator S.D. Ehrhart in an 1894 Puck magazine shows a farm-lady labeled "Democratic Bash" sheltering from the tornado of political transform. A metaphor can be a figure of speech that, for rhetorical result, directly refers to another thing by mentioning A different.
La metáfora es un recurso de estilo que propone una semejanza entre un elemento authentic y uno figurado con el fin generar un efecto estético. Es una figura retórica o poética en la que se establece una identificación entre los dos componentes.
silk. Lots of critics regard the creating of metaphors being a system of assumed antedating or bypassing logic. Metaphor is the fundamental language of poetry, although it is prevalent on all ranges and in a myriad of language.
Los dominios origen y destino se enlazan mediante el establecimiento de correspondencias ontológicas y correspondencias epistémicas. Las correspondencias ontológicas vinculan porciones de ambos dominios, en el caso de la achievedáfora mencionada Suggestions corresponde a ALIMENTOS, DIGERIR corresponde a COMPRENDER.
Es un procedimiento utilizado tanto en el lenguaje literario y poético como en el habla cotidiana, en tanto permite metafora nombrar un elemento de la realidad con otra cosa, para forzar una asociación con un sentido figurado, es decir, con un significado oculto.
Tombstone of a Jewish lady depicting damaged candles, a visible metaphor of the end of life Metaphors can map encounter concerning two nonlinguistic realms. Musicologist Leonard B. Meyer shown how purely rhythmic and harmonic gatherings can Specific human thoughts.
живо върху мъртво: песента на колелетата, галещото слънце;
A combined metaphor is usually two metaphors sloppily mashed together as in, "the ball is in the court docket of community viewpoint," which joins "the ball is inside your court docket" to "the courtroom of public feeling." A combined metaphor can also be employed with great performance, even so, as in Hamlet's speech: